Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hubs Lunches and A New Training Plan

I know this is 2012 and this may seem very Mayberry but I still pack Hubs a lunch almost every morning. It saves us money and keeps him from eating fried food from the Chuck Wagon (Allsups reference for the Texans). I'll admit that I also like the feeling of doing something sweet for the Hubs first thing int he morning.  It starts our day off right. Especially when I leave sweet and/or scandalous messages in with his goodies. What husband wouldn't like a side of sexy with their sandwich??

Here is what his lunch looked like today:

Cajun Turkey Wrap, PB Crackers, 1/2 Corn Muffin (usually there is a snack bag of chex mix, pretzels or a protein bar but we were all tapped out)

I can always tell when I've done an especially good job on his lunch when I get a call from him really early to tell me he loves me or is thinking of me in the nude.

Who knew Sack Lunches = Happy Marriages?? Nice.

On the the new training program.
As I mentioned in an earlier post I am way past the 5K training program now and am going to move on to a 10K program. I like the one by Hal Higdon: Click to view and print!

It is a really good intermediate level training program.  There are also programs for BeginnersAdvanced and people who want to Walk a 10K.

Projected Workout for Today:
  1. Run 3-4 miles
  2. 15 Minutes - Core
What are you training for right now?

Have you ever done a Hal Higdon training program before?

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